Program theme : : Innovation and start-ups
No. of Students Attended: 116
No. of Faculty Attended: 12
Expenditure : Rs. 4000/-
Duration: 100 min’s
This session Aims about the idea generation, converting idea into prototype and products, start-ups.
Students are able to make their own start-ups and can become entrepreneurs

Program theme: Start-ups & Ethical Issues
No. of Students Attended: 225
No. of Faculty Attended: 15
No. of outside audience Attended: 13
Expenditure : Rs. 8000/-
Duration: 300 min’s
To enlight the startup skills in the young engineers mind. How to turn projects into products and products into a start-ups. How to consider legal & ethical issues at the starting stage of a business
Event Theme: Environment Protection
Start date and End date: 09/04/2022 to 09/04/2022
No. of Students Attended: 156
No. of Faculty Attended: 12
No. of outside audience Attended: 6
Expenditure: Rs. 5000/-
Duration: 240 min’s
To engage and educate the Students & Faculty about the environment, and possible act to make positive and sustainable changes to protect the mother earth. Raise awareness to the challenges regarding the well-being of the planet and all the life it supports.
Event Theme: innovation and entrepreneurship
Start date and End date: : 11/05/2022
No. of Students: 195
No. of Faculty: 22
No. of External Participants: 15
Expenditure: Rs. 4000/-
To promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation among students through technology.
Resource Person: Dr. S. Ramalinga Reddy, Director, Aditya College of Engineering
No. of Students Attended: 132
No. of Faculty Attended:10
Expenditure: Rs. 5000/-
Duration: 300 min’s
Program theme: Start-up’s & IPR
Resource Person: Dr. S. Ramalinga Reddy, Director, Aditya College of Engineering
This workshop gave broad idea on about IPR & IP Management for start-ups to students and faculty.
Start date and End date: : 05/03/2022 to 5/3/2022
No. of Students: 126
No. of Faculty: 15
No. of External Participants: 15
Expenditure: Rs. 8000/-
Event Theme: Innovation
A poster presentation is a formal, research-based presentation of your work. A poster presentation provides a visual representation of your research through text, charts, graphs, and other visual aids. A poster presentation allows viewers to read your research material at their own leisure and to interact with you—perhaps asking questions about your methods or your findings. Posters range in size, and you can usually present your poster either arranged portrait or landscape. Often, meeting or conference organizers will provide presenters with a foam board or easel and binder clips, or some other method of securing and displaying their posters. Some presenters will laminate their posters before presentation, to ensure that the content is safe
Event Theme: Innovation-Entrepreneurship
Start date and End date: 09/04/2022 to 09/04/2022
No. of Students: 178
No. of Faculty: 12
No. of External Participants: 16
Expenditure: Rs. 4000/-
In Business models & Business model canvas there are some key elements such as Traditional Concept in Business are mostly l &T, Lic, Sbi, Samsung, Bajaj electronics ltd, Maruti Suzuki, Reliance are coming under this business concept.
Modern Concept in Business are coming under Face book, Tata sky, phone pay, Abi Bus, Netflix, Swiggy, ola, Mc-Donald’s, Moj, YouTube are in this business concepts.