EEE Department


Dr.M.Ramprasad Reddy, M.Tech, Ph.D
Professor & HoD

Electrical Engineering is one of the oldest branches from time immemorial. It is one of the fundamental branches of science and technology on which all other modern branches of engineering have evolved from. The total civilization has taken a sharp turn with the invention of electricity. Long distance electrical power transmission was mainly responsible for the sudden twist in the society’s development. The invention of many electrical appliances, electrical drives and machines has changed the total life style of mankind.

As the time progressed, new developments have taken place in the field of Electrical Engineering. Transistors were invented which further led to the invention of IC’s and VLSI chips. These devices made new applications possible in the field of communications and computations.

Any branch of science and technology constantly evolves and new inventions and developments in that field change its form and shape. Hence the students studying this branch of engineering should be imparted with this latest information and knowledge. Hence Electrical Engineering has been supplemented by adding these Electronics subjects in their curriculum and it is renamed as Electrical and Electronics Engineering branch or EEE branch in short.

This supplementation with modern subjects is necessary to keep new generation of students abreast of latest information and knowledge. At the same time, the traditional knowledge on which the modern civilization rose, basing it as the foundation has been kept intact. With this the EEE branch stood as highly comprehensive branch of Science, Engineering and Technology, covering the traditional subjects and modern subjects in proper mix.

The student of EEE has definitely an edge over students of other branches of engineering since they have both traditional knowledge acting as the base and knowledge of other modern subjects.

Any structure, however high it might have grown, would always stand on its foundation. If the foundation is weak, the structure is bound to collapse one day or the other. Many modern branches of Science, Engineering and Technology have ignored this fact and they do not contain subjects on which the modern subjects have evolved from. It is like building first floor by slipping off the ground floor from underneath. It is like a student not caring to learn tables, as he knew to operate a calculator. In this respect, the EEE branch and EEE students are definitely superior and well placed as they have very wide and comprehensive knowledge, when they go out of the college. These are the people, who stand as pillars over which the total civilization would be supported on.

In this way EEE branch is best branch of Engineering, since it gives the total all–round development to the student.


Dr. M. Ramprasad Reddy, M.Tech, Ph.D
Professor & HoD

Department of EEE

Aditya College of Engineering

Email :

Mobile: 74168 63201

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