Humanities & Sciences
Department of Mathematics
The department of Mathematics is at the fore-front of feeding basic mathematical methods and ideas to solve problems arising in engineering science and technology. It also promotes the appropriate and effective use of mathematical tools in the profession of engineering.
Department of Chemistry
This department constantly aims to provide a different hue to the technical curriculum and the main focus of engineering chemistry is to educate about the proper exploitation of natural resources, coupled with environmentally friendly exercise. With this perception the faculty aims to train everyone to have proper hands on exposure in the laboratory.
Department of Physics
Understanding the basic concepts of Physics forms the integral part of technical learning. In view of this, ACE has on it rolls a band of qualified, committed and motivating faculty who not only teach but also demonstrate. Sophisticated instruments such as 30 MHz Dual trace CRO, ultrasonic interferometer, spectrometers, traveling microscopes etc. are made available to make learning of physics really enjoyable.
Department of English
English languages, of courses, have become the indisputable common global medium for communication in the IT and ITeS industries. It is, therefore, no surprise that competency in communicate ability plays a vital role in seeking placements for young engineers. State-of-art computerized language laboratory with multimedia faculty trains the students to be effective communicators and learn contemporary business English language to become employable.
Department of General Engineering
Engineering practice laboratory imparts training in basic workshop practices and explains various tools and machineries used. A spacious, well lit and airy drawing hall equipped with modern adjustable type of drawing tables, provides comfort to get practiced in engineering graphic skills for the students. Science And Humanities Association aims to inculcate and develop scientific attitude among the students.